Yesterday I dragged myself out of bed at 9 AM to call Alexis, who had to get up at 3 AM EST in order to be at work at 4. I guess that's what happens when you work in a coffee shop. After that I went back to bed and slept way too late. When I finally got up, I leisurely went grocery shopping, thinking I had all the time in the world before my 8 PM class that I was teaching. I got home around 3 PM and went online to make sure I had cancelled one of my empty classes. And lo and behold, I had a class at 3:45 that I had totally forgotten about! Luckily the school is very close to where I live so I had plenty of time. We were suppposed to go see a movie called We Own the Night, but since we have to make our classes 8 days in advance, sometimes the movie times have changed by the time we actually have the class. This was the case yesterday, and there were no movies playing until an hour later. Since the class is only two hours long, and I had another one later in the evening, we didn't have time to see the later movies... and who wants to wait around for an hour just to sit watching a movie? So we spent maybe a half an hour talking about what we wanted to do, and then went across the street to Starbucks. We sat around and talked, and it was much more what a conversation class should be like anyway, so it was fine. We talked about TV and told jokes and had a good time. My first conversation class where we had actual conversations!
Afterwards some of them went to see the movie, and I went home, ate and showered. At 7:30 I met Julie in front of the tram and we went to the school to pick up my other class. We were just going to go to a bar and talk, but I don't know what bars would be good for that, so I asked them. I figured they would know god bars near their school, but instead they dragged us all the way to Bastille.
After the class, Julie and I met up with her friend Sophie and we went to the Troisième Lieu for maybe an hour, and then I came home and went to bed.
This morning was very similar... Crawled out of bed at 9 to call Alexis, slept way too late. But then I spent two hours wandering around Paris trying to find an Italian restaurant that would let five French students and their English teacher have dinner at 5:30 PM. Finally I found one and went home, drenched from the rain. At 5 I met my students and brought them to the restaurant. Erin met us there. We had a pretty good time, nice and relaxed. It was good to have relaxing class with sweet guys after my horrible one last night.
Now I am home. I should be studying for Swedish. I made some flashcards. That counts, right?
Tomorrow is my Swedish exam, then Grammar exam, then sleep. Then Italy! We will be in Pisa for two days, Florence for four, and Rome for four. I hope to update from Italy!
And some pictures that go with my previous post:
Teaching Erin to swing at Le Troisième Lieu

Julie and Mona

Our veggie burgers

i must say, that veggie burger looks does julie...oh and us swinging/charleston-ing the night away, yes yes yes.
veggie burgers look scrumptious...minus the tomato.
excuse the randomness.
veggie burgers look scrumptious...minus the tomato.
excuse the randomness.
Methinks that veggie burger pic shall become my new at-work wallpaper. I hope Julie's family has that photo of her and Mona. Great shot, Bobbie dear! (Oh yes. Swing it, Erin.) Mom
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