Well things have been a little crazy lately since I volunteered to help plan my school's end of the year party. Julia, Erin and I are doing it, and it's taking up a lot more time than I ever expected, mostly because we've kind of been given free reign. It's going to be a luau party, sort of. Just kind of beach-themed in general. We're planning on having a volleyball net, a limbo contest, a hula hoop contest, a tug-o-war, and other things that I can't remember. Oh, and a margarita bar. We got together and planned all of this out and decided how much of which things we needed and what we needed to delegate. The delegating has come down to me, because I am the queen of writing emails. So far I have written and read a total of (yes, I am about to count them)... 88 emails (most of which are since Sunday) regarding the planning of this party. I am about to write several more trying to make the associations at the school think it was their idea to help me out and get all the food and alcohol and sound equipment for the party. I sent a message to a girl on Couchsurfing who wanted to stay with me, explaining to her in a numbered list the reasons why I wouldn't be able to host her. She responded, "Thank you for being so detailed. Are you by any chance working as a teacher?" My boss expressed surprise that by the end of my pages-long e-mail to him detailing our plans for this party that my English had not, in fact, deteriorated into gibberish. Julia even sent me this e-mail after my most recent mass mail to all of our tutors telling them when they should schedule their class and also how many volunteers we still needed for which tasks (click to enlarge, as they say):

So I've been keeping pretty busy. I have also been trying to plan my 4+1 Masters in linguistics, find a place to live in New Orleans next year, figure out my summer job situation, etc. But I'm loving Paris, and I have amazing friends here. I am going to be sad to leave them - although of course I am going to be really happy to spend next year at Tulane with the Tulane people who I have become friends with while here. I am even going to be sad to leave my job. I'm finally starting to enjoy it, probably because I am finally starting to have groups of students who sign up for my classes every week, who enjoy having me as a tutor, and who I enjoy having conversation classes with. It makes me think. About teaching.
Well anyway, I should go now and write some more emails. Here are some pictures to entertain you.
Erin got me "gypsy flowers" one day because I was having a bad day. Please also note the array of other necessary items on my bedstand (watter bottle, can opener, headphones, metro ticket...):

This is Julia. She's doing something called
slacklining. It's kind of like tightrope walking, but not with a tight rope. With a slack line. Genius.

Paris weather is insane. On the day this photo was taken, it was sunny, then hailing, then raining, then sunny. In this picture, the sun is shining on those buildings, which oddly have palm trees in front of them, and then behind them it looks like the sky is about to open up into the gates of hell. The picture can't really capture how bizarre this looked.

And since I started writing this post, my email count has gone up to 90.
1 comment:
When you click on the "sun shining on buildings about to be swallowed by the gates of hell" picture, the sky looks more ominous. The buildings dolook beautiful.
By the way, remember that your mother was the decorations chairperson for the 1969 Senior Prom, entitled Fleurs de Paris, at Thornton Fractional Twp. South. Your party organizing skills are, at least in part, hereditary.
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