Okay, I know I have been bad at blogging lately. I'm just so busy! And after Paris, nothing seems interesting anymore. But here is something to amuse you!
It was a morning just like any other morning, I woke up, showered, had breakfast, walked to campus... When I got to Newcomb Hall and walked in the door, I saw Graham, a guy from my class, sitting on the stairs playing with a kitten. I said, "Aw, who is this?" and he said, "I don't know." Apparently she had been wandering around outside Newcomb and then she wandered inside. Graham picked her up. She had a little flea collar on but no nametag. We went to our first class, Intro to Historical Linguistics, and just walked in with the kitten. Our professor is a crazy linguist, so she didn't mind. Graham usually sits next to me anyway, so we sat down and he was trying to get her to calm down but he couldn't. I picked her up and held her next to my heart, cuddled in my sweatshirt, and she fell right asleep. She slept in my arms for the entire class! I cannot tell you how amused I was to be sitting in class with a kitten.
After class, Graham and I walked down to my Philosophy classroom and asked my (tall, bemohawked, all black wearing Hulk) philosophy instructor if I could miss class to help Graham take the kitten to the vet to check if she had a microchip and just see if she was okay. Of course the minute I walked into class with a kitten I knew I had won the battle. A girl in the class agreed to email me the notes for the day. It was a review day anyway. So Graham and I walked to the Maple Street Small Animal Clinic and brought her in. They said she didn't have a microchip, she was too small. She hadn't had her shots, but she didn't have fleas. She had probably been out for a while and possibly had an upper respiratory infection. So they gave me some kitten food and some advice and I took her home!
Walking home

Since we thought she might be sick, I had to put some food and water and litter in my bathroom and shut her in there so she won't get the other cats sick. Mary came home and played with her, and then I came home and played with her. Graham and I named her Ad Hoc (long story), but Addie for short. She's adorable! I posted an ad on Craigslist saying we found her, but nobody claimed her.

Since we couldn't find her family, I took her back to the vet early the next week. She was still a little sick so they decided not to give her her shots yet. After the vet she was so tired that we came home and took a cuddly nap!

Mary and I decided we couldn't keep her, what with already having two adult cats in the house, so we gave her to Graham. But we have joint custody! I have visitation rights, and I'm also the Vet Mommy so I take her to the vet when she needs to go. And I'm allowed to bring her home for sleepovers sometimes. I go over to Graham's every so often to play with her.

Last time I saw her she was starting to get bigger! No longer poor malnourished kitten. The vet said she wouldn't have survived if we hadn't found her. She's such a sweetheart! She runs around and wreaks havoc at Graham's except when I come over, and then she sits on me and purrs for ages. I adore her!

Helping with my French paper!

I brought her into work

1 comment:
Bobbie dear! Your public awaits an updated photo of the kitten, not to mention a few happy Thanksgiving photos and a glowing tribute to your family and its traditions. OK, maybe just a goofy shot of your brother and a taste of cranberry relish - but you get the idea. Writing about it might be cheery, right? - Just your mom
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