Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just some things

I've been productive today/recently. Here are some things that have been going with me.

1. My good friend Mary, who is a senior this year but applied to Tulane and Loyola for law school, will probably stay in New Orleans next year and maybe we will live in this apartment. With a cat. Purr.

2. I interviewed for the job in Philly. Haven't heard anything yet. Probably won't for a while. If I don't get it, I may only spend June at home (and in Philly, to visit) and then go to New Orleans in July and move in and find a job (Whole Foods, anyone?).

3. I might do the French Department's 4+1 Masters program. I would really like a) to have a Masters degree at the age of 21 and b) to live in New Orleans some more and experience Tulane some more. What with the hurricane and the year abroad, I feel a little cheated of my New Orleans Dream. Thoughts?

4. I just bought a one-way ticket to Dublin. I'm gonna try to do Ireland then England (specifically Brighton) then Scotland (specifically St. Andrews to see Kathryn N) at the end of April/beginning of May. In regards to this, I took time off from my job and also gave notice - I am going to stop working there in mid-May, mostly because I have to close my bank account down 15 days before I actually leave, because I then have to come back and do some other thing. I don't quite understand it myself.

I think that's about it for now. Who knew I would be so productive today.

Tonight I am going to the Lapin Agile with Erin and her dad. I'm looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

What coincidence! I heard an NPR story today about how a Frenchman was the first to make a sound recording. It was a little girl singing "À la Claire Fontaine." It would have been just about the time you all were singing along to it at Lapin Agile!

Hope it was fun.


Erin said...

mmmmmmmmm whole foooooooods