Basically, what happened on Sunday night was that Chris and I went to the Falstaff for the Halloween party. I was still grumpy, but I did have fun carving pumpkins. Eventually Chris and I were hungry so we went next door to get some kebab and fries. When we got back, Kat met us at the door and said, “I have some bad news. My boyfriend’s parents might be coming in to town tonight instead of tomorrow, so I need the keys tonight. Can you stay at Scotty’s?” This is after Kat had first told us (in September) that we could stay with her, then told Scott that we could only stay w/ her for two nights, then told me that we were staying in her boyfriend’s old apartment and described it as if she were doing us a favor - not as if it were a furniture-less, utility-less icebox. So I was pretty pissed at her general flakiness, and kind of stomped off to go pack up my stuff, not knowing where I would be sleeping that night, or what I was going to tell Vaune, who wouldn’t be able to stay at Latin Lover’s house that night, because his host family was coming home. Halfway back to the apartment, Kat calls Chris and tells him, “they might not be able to make it,” and that we should come back. Okay. So we come back, and we are sitting around, eating candy, trying to have a good time, but for several hours I am just sitting there not knowing if I have a place to sleep. Finally, after agonizing about it for ages and Kat never actually saying anything to me, I asked her about it and she said, “Oh, I haven’t heard anything from them so I think it will be okay. And there is another guy who is going to stay with you: Mike from Notre Dame.” For one, she is basing my having a place to sleep on “I haven’t heard anything,” and then after that, she is telling me that a strange guy is also staying there? But whatever, I let it go.
Later, we watched Rocky Horror, which was fun, but then they started playing Descent dubbed over in French, so I just put in my headphones and watched House. I was coughing and sniffling and just wanted to go to bed but a) I had to wait for “Mike from Notre Dame” and b) the bar was warmer than the apartment.
Finally I was exhausted and informed Mike that we were leaving. We walked back to the apartment, where I put on two pairs of pajama pants, men’s jeans, a tank top, a tee shirt, a sweatshirt, and my winter coat. And my hat. I wrapped my towel in a t-shirt, and lay down on Kat’s “mattress” a.k.a. body pillow. And proceeded to freeze.
I slept maybe a total of twenty minutes all night. I know I slept some, because I dreamed, but I mostly remember lying awake shivering. At about 4 AM it started pouring rain. At 6 AM, Vaune called me - she was down at the front door, having walked a mile in the rain, and needed to be let in. We all lay freezing until about 9 AM when we got up. I didn’t even take a shower - I couldn’t stand the thought of that cold water one more time.
The rest of Monday was mundane - did laundry again (all my clothes smelled like smoke), bought a new pair of shoes (okay this is not mundane - they are red Converse All-Stars and they are beyond awesome), bought other winter items (new chunky sweater, long-sleeved t-shirt, scarf, gloves, umbrella) and lazed around on the internet. I had told Kat I would bring her the keys before we left, and at 7 PM she calls me, saying, “Are you bringing the key? It’s 7 and you haven’t been. I thought you were coming at 5. Is Vaune coming, too? She needs to pay her tab.” I never told her I was coming at 5, and the reason Vaune needed to pay her tab was that for some reason Kat hadn’t let her do it the night before - I don’t really understand why. I was pretty ticked off; after all she put me through, to be snarky about bringing back the key was too much. At this point I was basically angry at everyone, because they had all flaked on me to some extent, so we went to the bar, dropped off the key, said goodbye to some people, and zoomed outta there. We had like an hour before our train, but I just didn’t want to be around any of those people anymore.
And that is that. Here are some pictures:
A witch in the Falstaff
Chris and I being weird
We were all entranced by Justin's choice of winter garb
Chris missed, and thereby documented my cranberry juice ("Ah ya on yah periahd?") and my popped knee. Very high-fashion. Got to admit - they are nice jeans. Also, you can see my Payless "Air Walks," purchased for me by Margaret Beyer in April, and worn nearly every day since. They have finally been put to rest, as they are full of holes, and I now have a pair of Converse All-Stars.
Chris aims correctly. I am short.
Chris is doing that thing where you kiss someone's ear and they go deaf for a second... Oh, never mind.
Halloween party!
Pumpkin innards
Kat, in her Falstaff Halloween shirt
Scooping pumpkin innards
Me imitating my jack-o-lantern
Making a normal face
My demented pumpkin
Some more creative pumpkins
My "mattress"
My awesome Converse!
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