Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sorry for the dry spell

This is just a brief update to let everyone know that I am well. Thanksgiving was fine, Katie visited from Angers, we got dressed up and went out to dinner. More on that another time. The transit strike has basically gone out with a whimper... again. The student protests are continuing on. They just voted to blockade Malesherbes, where I have most of my classes. Luckily I don't have any classes there today. They'll vote today to decide if they will blockade tomorrow. If they do, I won't know until I get there at 8 AM.

People in the US seem to know more about these riots on the outskirts of Paris than I do, which should tell you just how little they are affecting me.

I went to an orientation for a possible job last night. The guy was insane, but I liked him. I would be teaching English conversation classes to nerdy French computer programming students. The only hitch is that I need to get someone from Tulane to sign a French internship agreement. I'm working on that.

So now I am off to Grammar class, where I will get my midterm back. It should be a nice fat A. Then translation, then home. Starting tomorrow, I have a girl staying with me for a few nights, so that should be fun. Also, it turns out that a girl I went to high school with is going to be living in the Fondation next semester! Cool. And I am coming home for Christmas in 24 days. All is well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see your back at the blog desk, Bobbie.
