Carolyn came to visit last week. She arrived on a Tuesday. After Swedish class, I ran to the train station to get her and we went back to my room where she dropped off her stuff. Then I took her to my Grammar and History of Language class, where we mostly played Hangman and confused Alan with our various phrase choices. Later we went grocery shopping, to prepare for Carolyn’s cooking on Thursday.
Wednesday Carolyn came to my Grammar class and my Translation class, although we left Translation early cause I was not feeling well and wanted to make sure I got to a pharmacy before closing time. So we went to the Marais, to the American store on St-Paul St., and got Kraft mac n cheese, and then went to the pharmacy. It was also Halloween, and Vaune and I dressed as each other for dinner.

Yes, we're wearing almost exactly the same thing anyway

Jessie made everyone little goodie-bags, which included vampire teeth.

Thursday was a lazy day; we watched a lot of movies. It was also Toussaint (All Saint’s Day), which is a national holiday in France and kind of a big deal. In honor of this day, we went to the Montparnasse Cemetery, where several famous people are buried, although we only saw one.
We also found this priceless grave
Please note the dates
Eventually we started to cook. Carolyn made pasta with basil/garlic cream sauce and pine nuts. We invited Alan over for dinner, but he was napping and forgot to get up, so by the time he got there, we’d already finished. But we saved him some of Carolyn’s delicious pasta and he had some and he brought wine and baguette, so we had wine and baguette and we all watched Eddie Izzard until Alan had to go home.
Friday, Carolyn and I had been planning on going to Disneyland, but then realized we are poor and can’t afford it. Instead, we went to the Catacombs. Not quite the same thing. Where Disneyland is a giant playground full of fantastical characters and thrilling rides, the Catacombs are miles and miles of tunnels and caves under Paris lined with human bones. Hmm. For the full story, check out Wikipedia.
"Stop! It is here, the Empire of Death!"
Bone structure!
Going down to the Catacombs is literally like walking down into a horror film.
Saturday was more lazing about and then Carolyn left. It was wonderful having her here, although now I miss her a lot more. It’s been a rough couple of weeks for me, so having her here could not have come at a better time. I hope to visit her soon.
This post is pretty vanilla and vague. I will try to write about Samara’s visit more quickly, while all of the events are still fresh in my mind!
1 comment:
You may think I am strange (yes, that is a certainty), and yet I must confess that I loved the Catacombs. Sort of re-defines the phrase, "unique attraction," don't you think? I will download the "Fearful Bobbie" photo for my next desktop pic. With such a mother, you are doomed to a life of quirkiness.
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