Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Angry at host family

I am started to really not get along with les Gilot - Mme yelled at me because my shower this morning was an incredibly wasteful four minutes long. She shouted, "DEUX MINUTES!" Two minutes is not a shower, woman. Their food is horrible, as stated. Mme blames me for stupid things that M does every day - such as leaving lights on and not re-adjusting the shower head. I am so sick of her reproachful stares at the fat lazy wasteful American. She yells at me every day to open my shutters (to let in natural light so I don't use electricity during the day) - it does not occur to her that I might want to be in the dark to, say, take a nap. I know I only have to stay with them for a few more days, but the last few days are always the hardest.

Vaune's family is worse - she tries to be as polite as she can at dinner but they never include her in conversation so she never says anything, and then this morning the woman told her, "If you're not happy here, you can leave. Either way, don't eat dinner with us anymore, you're too rude. You will eat dinner an hour before we do, alone, or you will move out." Vaune complained to the program and the woman blew her off because we're Americans so we must be rude. French people expect it. They think Asians are reticent - if Vaune had done exactly the same thing but was Chinese, they would never have said she was rude. I think she and I are going to eat dinner together for the rest of the week, because I can't stomach rillettes ("potted meat"? It's like smushed pork) spread on toast and capers wrapped in ham one more night.

More on Vaune's troubles: http://degage-byotch.blogspot.com/2007/09/host-family-newsflash.html


In response to Kathy's comment:

"Whatever happened to the Korean student who was staying with Mme. and M. when you arrived? It seems like it would be easier if there were two of you..."

Claire avoids us completely. She doesn't eat with us because she can't stomach French food - it's too rich for her. She has gravitated toward a group of Korean friends, and she isn't in my class anymore. So I maybe see her once a week. And, as I mentioned earlier and as Vaune notes in her blog, French people are huge closet racists and have this preconception of Asian people that they are very reticent and quiet and keep to themselves, so they expect Claire to be quiet and they expect me to be loud and intrusive.


SantaFeKate said...

Whatever happened to the Korean student who was staying with Mme. and M. when you arrived? It seems like it would be easier if there were two of you...

Sarah Keeping said...

ew. je suis desole...shouldn't they like screen host families...like at LEAST for cooking capabilities?? i mean come on, you're in France...that's just unacceptable.